The Thrive in Abu Dhabi programme encourages long-term Abu Dhabi Golden Visas and a way to citizenship for talented foreign workers, creators, and those studying, excelling, and providing in the crucial sectors and specialties in Abu Dhabi.
Abu Dhabi Golden visas are available in Abu Dhabi for international investors and some amazing talent from across the world, giving them a visa for up to 10 years. This visa also includes people with a research background in the field of sciences, such as specialists, scientists, doctors, and investors. It is also granted to creative people and bold individuals, businesses and start-ups, and also real estate investors in the emirates.
Abu Dhabi encourages the population that has higher-growth areas and those creating opportunities for intelligent individuals to grow, financial backing, and also a start-up ecosystem. This place, rich and filled with their culture and lifestyle, is a place to live, work, and invest. A place that is very comfortable and safe to stay.
Golden Visa for Investors:
Types of visas available for investors
1. Investor visa Abu Dhabi: those who invest in non-real estate projects and companies in Abu Dhabi.
2. Real-Estate Investor Visa: those who invest in real estate in Abu Dhabi.
These investors are eligible for a 10-year visa if they complete one or more of the following criteria:
- A minimum of 544484 USD in a capital deposit in an investment bank account or fund inside Abu Dhabi.
- The investor should own a company that pays government taxes of 68064 USD per year or more.
- Established a company of 544484 USD or more in Abu Dhabi or having a partner in the existing or new company.
- Be a partner in the company that pays federal taxes, with your financial contribution to the company up to 68064 USD in taxes per year or more.
All the investments should be maintained for at least two years after the visa has been issued. The visa will include spouses, children, an advisor, and one executive director. The investor or visa holder can sponsor a domestic worker if the relevant regulations are being fulfilled.
Documents required:
⦁ Official bank statements for the last 6 months (bank should be in the UAE or outside the country)
⦁ Trade licence
⦁ Tax Clearance Certificate
Real Estate Investor Visa
They are eligible for a 5-year visa if they fulfil the criteria below:
- Invested in a property with a gross value of 544484 USD and not less than that.
- If the property or portfolio of the property is mortgaged, a minimum cash payment of 544484 USD of the value is needed to be eligible for the visa.
All the investment should be mandatorily maintained for at least 2 years after the visa is issued. The visa is for spouses and children as well. The individual who holds the visa can sponsor a domestic worker, subject to relevant regulations.
Real estate investors are required to submit the following:
- The proof of real estate is 544484 USD or more for an average investment profile.
- The proof of mortgage status (Mortgaged or Released)
They are eligible for the 5-year visa only if they fulfil one or more of the criteria given below:
A recent or existing project with a capital of at least 136128 USD
The approval of an accredited business incubator in the emirate of Abu Dhabi.
This entrepreneur visa is provided for spouses and children as well. The holder of the entrepreneur visa can sponsor a domestic worker, keeping in mind all the regulations of sponsoring. The holder can also sponsor employees to work for the company, but the visas will only be valid until the employee is employed in the company.
List of documents and proofs required:
- Trade licence
- Proof of enterprise
Eligibility for high school students. Abu Dhabi provides a 5-year visa for rank holders or top-scoring students with a unique ability. Students who are eligible for the visa will need to fulfil the criteria below:
- The student has to achieve high scores or grades from high school in Abu Dhabi
- A recommendation from the Ministry of Education.
- The high school student visa holder will include visas for parents and dependent siblings.
University Graduate - Abu Dhabi gives a 10-year Abu Dhabi Golden Visa to the most qualified and talented university graduates.
The graduates who are eligible must fulfil the criteria given below:
- Mandatory graduation from an accredited university in Abu Dhabi.
- Have a GPA of at least 3.8.
Special Talent
The professions below are the creative and talented individuals who will, in the future, be of promising scientific ability to Abu Dhabi, which is why Abu Dhabi grants or offers them a 10-year long-term Abu Dhabi Golden Visa through the thrive Abu Dhabi programme.
Here are the professions or professionals:
- Doctor
- Scientists
- Creatives
- Innovators
- Educators
- Sports
- Ph.D. holders
- Engineers
- Executive Directors.
This was all about the Abu Dhabi Golden Visa that you need to know about. For more Dubai Visa-related queries, you can visit Dubai E Visa Online.
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