Dubai is renowned all over the world for being the best at everything. Be it the wonderful resorts, hotels, beaches, or its Gulfood Exhibition. The Dubai World Trade Center is all set to welcome the Gulfood exhibition 2021 which is to be scheduled from the month of February. The organizations have shared to the public that it wants this show to be present in physical and that it will take precautionary measures regarding the COVID 19.
So let’s hop onto the details about the one Gulfood 2021 postponed dates and various other details.
The gulfood exhibition is the world’s largest food and beverages trade show that revolutionizes the best practices in catering and hospitality. It also pursues the standards for the beverages and food. It was established in 1987, and is a noteworthy leader in the beverage and food industry. It gives the audience access to all the major markets by involving pavilions of 120 countries, which showcases the richness of global flavors.
It has been a stage for the companies that are established or just a startup. This way they can claim their own corner in the richness of the food and hospitality industry.
The gulfood exhibition covers the entire value chain that comprises the food, fish, and food additives. It also showcases meat, dairy products, coffee, catering equipment, and also meat processing equipment.
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There is obviously a long Gulfood 2021 exhibitor list, with more than 120 countries participating, and making it one of the biggest trade shows related to food and hospitality. The Gulfood exhibition has a long list of exhibitors.
Visitors by Profile:
- Food technologists
- Product development
- Research and development
- Plant design and production
- Manufacturing and production
- Quality control and maintenance
- Purchasing
- Sales and marketing large scale bakeries and butchers
- Pet food industries
- All other decision-makers belonging to the food industry
Visitors by Business Type:
- Factories and production plants
- Project contractors
- Hypermarkets
- Hotels and resorts
- Foodservice
- Retail stores
- Industrial kitchens
- Cash and carry operations
- Wholesalers
- Retailers
- Distributors
- Online food retailers
- Vending machine operators
There have been various exhibitors in the gulfood exhibition, be it the Gulfood manufacturing 2019 exhibitor list or the Gulfood 2020 exhibitor list, or the ones before them. You may have the above question in your mind about them. Listed below are the points on how the gulfood exhibitors benefit from this food trade:
- The gulfood exhibition trade is conducted globally, so keeping that into consideration, you will have a rich and diverse assortment of buyers. The new buyers will look for new flavors and experiences. This could be the perfect opportunity to expand your business, open new horizons, and make the flavor of your region famous.
- The second benefit of the gulfood exhibition would be the exposure to so many other professionals belonging to the same profession. With so many decision makers, experts and innovators, you will be at the cutting age of advancement in your sector of business. The Gulfood exhibition experience would be something new and worthy for you.
- By participating in the gulfood exhibition trade, you can supplement your business opportunities with even deeper understanding of the market. You can also learn about some practices through the educational conferences, industry focused events, and also the training sessions.
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The DWTC is strict about the safety guidelines that have been set up by the government. All hygiene measures and safe returns have been taken into account for the gulfood exhibition. Because of coronavirus, the Gulfood 2021 cancelled dates have been again made available to the public following these safety rules.
- Everyone present at the venue should be wearing a mask all the time.
- The crowd density will be managed real time.
- The people should keep 2 meters distance as per the social guidelines.
- The air change rate in the halls is 8 times per hour. The air extraction is pre scheduled and for that the shutter doors will be kept open both before and after this event to ensure air circulation within the halls.
- Protocols for disinfection are followed in all the areas of the gulfood exhibition.
- Buffet is allowed only if 2 meters social distancing is followed by the audience and the food is served by the waiting staff or the guest on tables.
- Hand sanitizers will be always available in multiple areas of the exhibition.
- The aisles should be 2.5 meters wide for one way, and 4.5 meters wide for two way traffic.
- The counters, tables and seats are disinfected after every use positively.
- If possible, the visitors are urged to use electronic transactions. Contactless transactions are encouraged.
- The prayer rooms in the exhibition cente will be opened following strict guidelines.
- The visitors as well as the exhibitors are requested not to shake hands or exchange business cards.
- Isolation rooms are also set up at the venue for the suspected cases. They are managed in close coordination with the Dubai Health Authority.
- The gulfood exhibition halls are to be closed by 10 pm for sterilization and sanitization.
- The visitors should report any health concerns immediately to the authority.
Safety measures for conference hall
- The individual seats are set up at a distance which is equal to two chairs to maintain social distancing.
- Before visiting the exhibition, you should look at the maximum capacity guidelines.
- The audience should keep their mask on at all times, and only open them while asking questions.
- The conference furniture will be sanitized after every use.
- Direction floor marks and social distancing should be respected at all times.
- The microphones are fitted with filters and will be replaced after every use.
- Standing microphones are placed in the central aisles for the audience to ask questions.
- The audience should not try to touch the microphones and should try to speak not closer than 10 cm to the microphone.
- When the conference session ends, the departure will be done according to the color coded zones.
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The Gulfood 2021 dates are from February 21st to 25th.
You can also look out for accommodations near the 'gulfood exhibition' according to your budget and spend the biggest trade fair in the world. This could be an experience that you will remember forever.
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