dubai expo 2021 complete guide to dubai expo

the complete guide to dubai expo 2021

04-Jul-2024 0

Dubai, the city that has transformed itself into a global destination, with massive infrastructure and development in less than half a century. And the talk of this century is Dubai Expo. After the postponement of expo 2020 dubai due to covid-19 pandemic this year we will experience Dubai Expo 2021. 

What is the Expo?

Throughout the years, World Expos have been global events dedicated to sharing top-notch innovation, showcasing ground-breaking inventions, and discovering resolutions to fundamental challenges by facing humanity. They are organized every 5 years and last for 6 months.

‘Expo’ is an abbreviation for Exposition which stands for a large-scale public exhibition.

What is the Dubai Expo 2021?

  • World expo 2021 is going to be the first expo being held in the MEASA region comprising of the Middle East and Africa.
  • This region is going to experience the largest event ever with people from over 190 countries.
  • Expo 2021 is being held in Dubai, UAE. It is notably going the world’s greatest show hosted by Dubai. 
  • This international event where we celebrate human brilliance and connect people from all across the globe. 
  • We all come together to experience world-class science and technology, art and culture, innovation, and invention.

Details about Dubai Expo 2021

Expo 2021 has taken up the aim to help shape the world post-pandemic. With the current Covid-19 situation in hand, a majority of the Bureau International Expositions (BIE) member states voted to postpone the World Expo by one year.

They have decided on the new dates keeping in mind that the participants will safely be able to navigate from all across the world and till that timeframe, they possibly hope for this entire pandemic situation to get completely recovered.

When is it going to be held?

 The new Dubai expo dates for this global extravaganza are as follows:

1st October 2021 to 31st March 2022

Where is it going to be held?

The expo is going to be covered in a wide span of 4.38 kilometers. 

Location: Dubai South, near Al Maktoum International Airport.

Theme for Dubai Expo 2021

The theme for world expo 2021 is "Connecting Minds, Creating the Future".

There is a lot of thought process that goes into selecting a theme for a world-class event. By connecting minds, we create the future.

This stands for a basic meaning as to how we educated the entire world, how we make people understand what is right and what is wrong. How we connect and unite such like minds towards the future. Because the future is in our hands.

Sub-themes for Dubai Expo

With the main theme revolving around the idea of creating a better future, the subthemes are chosen with a lot of attention.

Keeping in mind in which direction the world is going and our vision for the future, the sub-themes that were introduced are:

  1. Sustainability

  2. Mobility

  3. Opportunity


  • As we move into the vision of the future, the first thing that should strike up in your mind is sustainability. 
  • We have spent several years exploiting mother Earth’s resources, to the extent that some of them have gone extinct, contributed to a major part of global warming.
  • Sustainability is the avoidance of the depletion of natural resources. This is the ability to the production of products with long-term use, which are ecologically benefiting the world and which is accessible for all.
  • The areas of focus under this sub-category are Governance, industries, financial capital, education, and employment.


  • When we talk about mobility, we talk about movements ranging from ideas to people. The purpose of this is to connect ideas from every region of this world and not just a part where it is found exponentially.
  • The ability to move freely and expand is mobility. This ranges from social mobility to technological mobility where we flourish ideas from all the geographical sectors.
  • The aim of this sub-category is to par the gap between areas that are exceedingly developed and the areas which still lack the basic assessment through technology and swift ideas.


  • Each and every one of us is worthy of the opportunity to grow and prosper. Opportunity aims to unlock the potential in us and the communities towards a better future.
  • All we need is an opportunity to prosper the ideas. The ideas leading to a technology we all embrace.
  • World Expo 2021 will highlight the sectors and companies which serve the purpose of the subthemes under “Connecting minds, creating the future”.

Cities that bid for the World Expo 2021

The bidding for 2021 World Expo took place in November of 2013. There were several cities that wanted the right to host this massive event in 2021.

“Dubai is the winner” These wise words were said at the general assembly of BIE at Paris where the bidding was held. There were 164 member nations who put forth their vote and Dubai won with a whopping 116 votes. Dubai with its strengths of culture, diversity, and infrastructure rightfully stood as the winner for the next World Expo.

Impact on Dubai’s economy due to World Expo 2021

This world-expo is one of the firsts the entire of UAE is going to experience.

Which means that a change is about to come. When it comes to Dubai’s economy, it primarily depends on real estate, infrastructure, tourism, and retail.

Real Estate and infrastructure

  • Dubai, with its skyscraper-filled skyline and integrated architecture, is already doing great with the attractions and tourism.
  • With Expo 2021 coming to Dubai, its development is going to be on a rise. 25 million people are expected to visit the Dubai expo 2021 out of which over 17 million people are going to be international passengers.
  • Real estate will be on the rise as these passengers look for places to stay over the course of these months. With improving the infrastructure for the easy accommodation for travelers, at least 8 billion dollars are required for the establishment of it.


  • Dubai’s job market will be on a rise with these new projects in hand regarding construction, tourism, and transportation. 
  • There is a new wave of employability with the introduction of over 250,000 jobs. Most of it belongs to the travel and tourism sector and the rest to construction.


  • It is assumed that ‘Dubai Expo 2021’ or ‘World Expo 2021’ will be the most searched keyword in the upcoming times. Which makes the press media gather every slight detail about it through various sources. 
  • The impact on media has already begun to rise with a lot of news channels and reports covering the news on it.
  • Overall, the economy of Dubai will only be going up from this point. There was a 4% increase in the stock market right after Dubai won the bid in 2013. With a spike in need of all the sectors, Dubai’s economy and GDP will blossom for the next couple of years.

A lasting legacy: Impact of World Expo

The impact of world expositions is powerful. It ranges from the development of individuals and communities to the advancement of technologies. Expositions always provide you with more than what you’ve expected or prepared for. It shows us how every individual is powerful enough to make a change. It gives us a huge opportunity to connect with millions of people. Let us all be a part of the World Expo 2021 and come together to inspire and empower.


  1. How much does Dubai expo tickets costs?

    AdultChildInfantExpo 2021 One-Day Pass + Global Village AED 120 AED 60 FreeExpo 2021 Three-Day Pass + Global Village AED 260 AED 130 Free For Expo 2021, you can choose between a One-Day Pass and a Three-Day Pass. However, due to the vastness of the location and the length of time required to fully explore it, we recommend purchasing tickets for Expo 2021 Dubai for three days. Additionally, both types of passes include a complimentary Global Village Ticket.

2. What is the expo timings?

10:00-00:00 Sat-Wed, 10:00-02:00 Thu-Fri

3. Provide the parking information for Dubai expo

There are four designated parking areas there if you are driving there. You can get to one of the four parking areas on the Expo site by following the sign. Parking zone for Opportunity, Sustainability, and Mobility at the Dubai Exhibition Center

4. Are there any jobs available in the Dubai expo?

Yes, there are jobs available and they will be posted on popular job portals like indeed, foundit, bayt etc.